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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 3--To Custer State Park We Go!

Goodbye Badlands, Hello Custer State Park. The morning drive was beautiful. We wanted to get to our campsite in Custer State Park and get set up, so we could explore.  We took the Wildlife drive and fed the burros who are descendants of the tame ones the early settlers and gold miners left behind.  Saw lots of critters.  Was a great time.

 This was a county or city park outside Custer State Park's boundaries.  It was beautiful and desserted.  Sam wanted to try to pan for gold.  No success, but the park was lovely.   Would be a great place to trout fish. 

 No gold!
 I liked the firepits at this park and wanted to take a picture of the brand for future reference. 

 I will never forget the smell of the pines in the Black Hills.  The gift shops sell many pine scented items, but none came close to the real thing. 

 Another quick thunder storm found us in a visitor center.  Darren tried to blend in with the locals. 

 I'm really good at photographing Pronghorn (no they're not Antelope!) butts.

 Sometimes when you use the zoom function on your camera, it's not until you get home that you realize.....
 that the animal you so closely focused on is pooping.  Or "that's nature" as Sam said!

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