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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 2 Minuteman Missile National Historic Site and the Badlands

This was a really interesting day.  We awoke to cool, windy weather.  Badlands National Park Campground does not have restrooms with showers, so I entertained our neighbors by washing my hair with a bucket and our battery powered shower.  Thankfully, there is no photographic evidence of this spectacle, but if you must, picture shampoo and water flying everywhere. 
 First stop of the day was Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.  We watched a quick movie at the vistor's center before heading to the launch facility.  Sam found it fascinating that nuclear war was one of his dad and my biggest childhood fears. 

The launch facility was out in the middle of nowhere and looked like a house from the distance. 
 Our tour guide was really interesting.  We got to see the upper level crew quarters, kitchen, dayroom, etc and then he took us down the elevator to the launch control center.  I used Lamaze breathing (the first time it was actually effective) to keep claustrophobia at bay.  This would not have been a job for me. 

 Of course, I had to know where the restroom was.  The curtain is another reason I couldn't do this job. 

Back up for air again, thank God!  We drove about a mile away to see the actual missile silo. 

A quick trip to Wall Drug to pick up some donuts.
And then back into the Badlands to look for critters and to avoid the plague. 

                        Baby Buffalo!

         The goats were really fun to watch, especially the babies.  What great balance!

A storm was coming in.  Watching the changing light was amazing. 

 The rain started right after I took this picture.  It was unbelievable how much mud and silt came down the hills.  Incredible flash floods, lightening, and hail.  This storm moved through quickly, but another one was right behind it. 
One of the National Park Cabins.  So cute.  Sam and I checked out the cabins and the restaurant gift shop between storms. 

 This was after one of the worst storms we've even been in while camping.  The wind was blowing so hard, we went to take shelter at the Visitor's Center.  Even the Rangers were a bit spooked.  We spent about an hour there.  Thankfully, there were lots of exhibits to look at and a nice gift shop.  And the rangers had the weather radar on the computer.  The camper held, but there was a bit of wind damage.   

Early to bed, no fires allowed in the Badlands because the risk of wildfires is so great.  We didn't miss having a fire.  Watching the sunset on those hills is amazing.

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