Darren slipped on some Christmas boxes while carrying a laundry basket and fell down the stairs. December 26th is not the day to be in the Emergency Room. It was not busy, but there were not too many doctors available.
Broken ankle, broken tibia, and we later found out, a broken fibula. He really did a number on it.
Looking back on it, it didn't seem so bad. He read on his Kindle and got to have good looking women hold his leg while they casted it! But, it was also pretty awful. Lots of pain, lots of waiting, and lots of barf bags. Yippeee!
Charlie helped by applying pressure.
We also found out just how many people really care about us. Thanks to all for everything!
After having trouble with his big toe early in the summer, we found out that he had also broken his fibula. Hard to believe that every doctor that had looked at it had missed this. But, it healed well, and so, I guess was just easy as the tibia fracture. The ankle, on the other hand, was a really rough road. He still has swelling and pain now (I'm writing this in September). Darren has become a road map of scars. He's one tough cookie!
Before Surgery.
And yes, he had to break those screws during therapy. Fun.
Post anesthesia. He kept saying, "I've gotta go up." I really should have shot some video. Sorry hon, but if you want better pictures, you're going to have to write your own blog posts. Love ya.